AYYY, My name is Courtney Coll, and I split time between Northern California and los Angeles! I am a farmer and my family owns a farm in Northern California called Doc`s Family Farm. I model full time in Los angles but have been focusing more on creative direction stuff which has been a lot of FUN!!

A. Where do you normally get inspriration when styling?
C. ALL OVER THE PLACE. My style personally is all over the place, in a good way. I HOPE. HA. I really like to mix colors with different patterns and just have fun with it.

Sometime`s I also like just plain colors with layers and would consider my style a more tomboy look. I was raised with three brothers so it was only normal that my mom would dress me in my brothers hammy downs!

A. Where is the most your favorite section in your house? if you have, can you share pictures with reason?
C. I really like the main living room in my house, because it brings in such good natural light! I like to take time to read, listen to records, and work on all my hobbies! but I mean my closet is obviously my other favorite in the house! DUH

A. What do you think is the biggest attraction of Andersson Bell?
C: I love the branding, colors and creative! So basically ALL OF IT! When I first saw Anderson Bell as a brand I was like this is exactly my personality and it just inspires me to keep creating, Which is an awesome feeling to feel from a clothing brand.

Special Thanks To : Courtney Coll
Interview : YeJi Kim
Date : May 30th, 2022