My name is Emma Fridsell. I live in (at the moment) freezing Stockholm, Sweden. I believe that clothes can change a person and if done right, clothes are a way to create art. I have the luxury of working with this in different shapes. I work with Instagram, at Acne Studio and as a content creator for other brands.

A : Where do you normally get inspriration when styling?
E : I always get inspiration from people I pass by on the street. Mostly old ladies and small kids. They are the most free spirited to me.

Of course also from people I follow on Instagram and art that I scroll by.

A : Where is the most your favorite section in your house? if you have, can you share pictures with reason?
E : My bed! I love that thing almost to much. Also the view from the window very conveniently located just beside my bed.

A : What do you think is the biggest attraction of Andersson Bell?
E : I love the colourful way that Andersson Bell plays with structure and design. The expression and the universe is just perfect to me.

Special Thanks To : emma fridsell
Interview : Yeji-Kim
Date : June 22th, 2022